Think! Vision.
Innovative. Inspiring. Engaging.
Awesome experience inspires
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Helping organisations connect with their audience through research, strategy, and design.


Customers-Centred Design approach and agile philosophy is a proven problem-solving process that aligns the client’s business drivers with a solid understanding of the needs, expectations, capabilities and attitudes of the target audiences.

My recent project: myGovID


The Research

User interviews, contextual enquiry, qualitative and quantitative research, survey, usability testing, web analytics, feedback, field research, diary study.


The Strategy

Collaborative design, persona, user flows, customer journey, task analysis, information architecture, taxonomy, navigation structure, content strategy


The Design

Concept design, mood board, low-fidelity wireframe, clickable prototype, user interface design, interaction design, visual design, agile delivery.

Inspiration for innovation.

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Innovation for engagement.

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Engagement for growth.

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